Additional Features:
- VIA Echo MRI
- Frequency range: 4 MHz to 1.0 GHz
- Tuning Resolution: 1 kHz
- Measurement Speed: ~ 2 sweeps/second
- Freq. Display Width: 250 kHz x N (N = integer)
- Impedance Range: 0 to 2000 Ohms
- Impedance Scales: 0 to 50 Ohms Minimum; 0 to 2000 Ohms Maximum
- Phase Angle Scales: ± 15 to ± 180 Degrees
- Harmonic & Spurious: > 15 dB below fundamental
- Output Power: - 10 dBm @ 50 Ohms
- PC Communications: USB 2.0
- External Power : 15 VDC @ 500mA Minimum
- Internal Power Lead Acid 12 VDC battery
- Input Connectors: N Type S11 & S21 port
- Display: Quarter VGA backlit LCD
- Non Volatile Memory: 250 Instrument presets & data
- Echo PC Vision Software
- USB Cable & Extension
- Operator Manual
- Quick Start Guide
- AC Adapter, 90-240 VAC 50-60 Hz
- DC Extension Cord
- Calibration Terminators N & BNC
- N-to-BNC Adapter Set
- Removable Magnetic Material Pouch
The VIA Echo MRI is AEA Technology’s latest Vector Impedance Analyzer that accurately measures impedances from 2 to 2000 Ohms, resistance, phase angle, X, Q, return loss, and SWR. The Echo MRI can simultaneously provide graphical display for any two measurement parameters and a numeric display of a third parameter. The frequency sweep is plotted in the X axis and independent left and right Y axis plots are user selectable.
The Echo MRI is Ultra Low-Magnetic and has the ability to function in close proximity to high magnetic fields making it the ideal test instrument for installing and servicing MRI or NMR systems. Additionally, our Echo products come with Echo PC Vision software. This new software permits remote control operation of the Echo MRI to upload test results to a PC or laptop, view the VIA or Smith Charts in full color, store and print complete analyzer documentation.
While the Echo’s LCD can support displaying two parameters, PC Vision can display one or all the testing parameters at once. The Echo MRI will save time, reduce capital expenditures, and reduce costs typically associated with the installation and servicing of MRI or NMR Systems.